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10th March 2022

Which Martial Art Is the Best for Self-Defence?

The first rule any good martial arts instructor teaches is that the best way to win a fight is to avoid one altogether. Besides the question of which martial art is the best for self-defence, wherever possible, you should always try to avoid conflict and stay out of any potentially harmful situations. This is especially important if you are new to martial arts. However, problems will arise where you may be left with no option, and it is always good to have a few technical skills up your sleeve to defend yourself in these situations.

There are many different types of martial arts, each with its benefits for self-defence. This article will break down some of these options and determine which is best for self-defence.

For a martial art to be considered the best, one needs to evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen art, the length of time and the difficulty it takes to master the skill, and the availability of avenues to be taught and understood the skill.

Muay Thai for self-defence

No argument on the best type of martial arts for self-defence would be complete without considering Muay Thai. As the national sport of Thailand, it is an ancient form of martial art with a long history. Muay Thai was quite literally born out of a need to defend the kingdom of Thailand from others and made use of the entire body to fight in close quarters.

Muay Thai is otherwise known as the art of 8 limbs because of the number of limbs used when striking your opponent. It is a striking-based skill that is incredibly versatile, and part of learning the skill gives you a broad set of tactics to defend yourself in a self-defence scenario properly.

Muay Thai has a steep and challenging learning curve; substantial pain and conditioning are involved when taking the traditional learning method.

Jiu-Jitsu for self-defence

Jiu-Jitsu is a prevalent method of self-defence. When is any professional asked the common question of which martial art is the best for self-defence? Jiu-Jitsu is a very influential martial art for self-defence as it places very little significance on luck or physical power, but in fact, calculated methodology and memorised skills. Compared to striking arts, where even the lowliest fighter could knock out a champion with one stray blow, the luck element is removed when you are on the ground, and it falls to cleverness.

From a self-defence standpoint, Jiu-Jitsu is worth learning in scenarios when you cannot run away from your attacker. Some professionals believe it should be the first art anyone understands as it is developed for responding to situations that can only be solved via combat.

Krav Maga for self-defence

Krav Maga is another of the best type of martial arts for self-defence. It is a military developed system of combat that was devised to prepare individuals who found themselves in the toughest of situations to neutralise any threats as efficiently as possible. Much of its reputation comes from the method taught to the Israeli military.

The intuitive nature and accurate response to realistic scenarios make students of Krav Maga in a great position in self-defence scenarios. Krav Maga was created with survival in mind and the sole goal of neutralising your opponent by any means necessary. Thus, making it a challenging sport to spar in. Krav Maga’s instructions will primarily centre around de-escalation techniques and other skills to avoid a physical confrontation overall. Krav Maga is built around a proper mental attitude towards a fight that will engrain in you the appropriate reflexive actions should you ever find yourself in a situation requiring them.

Wing Chun and Self Defence

When considering Wing Chun as a method of self-defence, it falls on training methodology to determine its ultimate effectiveness. As one of the most technical Martial Arts, students of this discipline need not be well-versed in its fundamentals to be at maximum effectiveness in a self-defence and survival mode scenario. Techniques are effective because of its contextual and conceptual applications focused on the unpredictable fight scenario. You may not have size, athleticism, visual acuity or age on your side, Wing Chun is your equalizer.

So, which martial art comes out on top?

If you’re still not sure on which is the best martial art for self-defence?  At UMF Academy, we understand self-defence to be about self-preservation, not about who could win in a fight—knowledge that the best tactic is to avoid a conflict altogether. Learning many of these skills is a lot more about developing inner character. We provide excellent Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu Krav Maga, and Wing Chun classes based on our understanding of their unique methodologies and balance this with appropriate training. Or check out our free self-defence program for a broader understanding.

UMF Academy culture encourages the principle of “No Ego’s – Only Dedication”. Our team of instructors are all highly experienced and ready to show you the world of martial arts, providing high-quality teaching on several skills. Register online to book your free trial class or contact us using the contact form below if you have additional questions.

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