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Unlocking Your Child's Potential

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Unlocking Your Child's Potential

As a parent of a Little Dragon, Young Warrior, Boxer, Kickboxer, or Junior Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu student, your support is vital to your child's martial arts journey. Here are some valuable tips to help them gain confidence and develop essential skills, from their first White Belt to the prestigious UMF Gold Sash or Black Belt.

Fostering a Positive Environment Children should associate their time at UMF with success, pride, and confidence. Always offer compliments after each class; acknowledging their efforts—no matter how small—can significantly boost their self-esteem. Make it a priority to watch them train at least once a week to witness their progress firsthand.

Be Engaged and Supportive When invited to observe a class, show genuine interest. Research indicates that children who persist in their training often have parents who actively support their martial arts journey. Establish a consistent schedule to help your child mentally prepare for classes. Avoid distractions like TV or playtime right before training; instead, designate this time for chores or relaxation.

Assist with Learning Help with their "UMF homework" at least once a week by reviewing their curriculum, chore chart, and projects. Attend presentations, gradings, and other club events, and encourage family and friends to join. Your child has put in significant effort, so celebrating their achievements together is crucial.

Model Healthy Behaviour Promote positive habits by leading by example. Encourage healthy eating, hydration, and an active lifestyle. Demonstrate a constructive approach to stress and challenges, and your child will be inspired to follow suit.

Stay Present at Classes While at the academy, take a break from your phone and other devices during your child’s class. They will appreciate your undivided attention! After class, don’t hesitate to ask the instructor about your child’s progress, but be mindful of their time.

Addressing Attendance Challenges There may be times when your child feels reluctant to attend classes. Positive reinforcement can help overcome these hurdles. If there are underlying issues—such as a new sibling, moving, or school changes—communicate with the instructor. They can provide tailored support to ease any anxiety.

Draw from the strategies you use to encourage your child to attend school or other important events; similar methods can be effective for martial arts. Remember, withdrawing them from classes is akin to removing them from swimming lessons before they can swim well enough to stay safe. UMF offers invaluable skills that will benefit your child for a lifetime.

A kind, positive note to the class instructor is always appreciated; they are dedicated to your child’s success.

At UMF, we strive to provide as many opportunities as possible for students to learn, grow, and enjoy their martial arts experience. Our mission is to positively influence their lives now and in the future!

You can trial one of our many classes, book yours today
You can trial one of our many classes, book yours today

You can trial one of our many classes, book yours today

The best way to see if any of our classes are for you, is to experience it first-hand. See our Academy, meet our instructors and emerge yourself in the UMF culture.

To register for your trial class simply check the class schedule, then click the link below to fill in the registration form.

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